Unfortunately, we know only very little about the oldest settlement from the Neolithic period. However, even that era can be evidenced by sporadic findings, such as stone axe hammers made by the Stone Age Corded Ware Culture. Richer historical sources come from the Medieval Ages.
In the 11th and at the dawn of the 12th century the very important “Hungarian Route” leading from the amber coast of the Baltic Sea intersected this area. Actually, it crossed whole Moravia stretching from Olomouc, with a turning to Měnín, then to Brno and further to Uherský Brod and the Strání Saddle from where it continued as far as to Nitra. This route, besides its trade purpose, had a great strategic importance. More than once it was used by military troops marching from Bohemia to Hungary and many times Hungarian riders, Turks or Tatar marauders got through it to Moravia. In the second half of the 13th century the route gained even more importance and became the most significant route between Hungary and the Bohemian Kingdom. During the reign of Matthias Corvinus lively trade traffic could be seen here.
At the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries the daughter of the Hungarian King and at the same time the wife of Ottokar I of Bohemia, Czech Queen Constance, became the owner of the region between Trnava and the lower Moravia River. She received the area known as the Lower Moravia River Basin (Dolní pomoraví), stretching from Breclav to Uherské Hradiště, from her husband as a marriage portion while the Trnava Region between the Carpathians and the river Váh was a gift from her father. Taking into consideration the later description of frontiers discovered in the foundation deed of the Vizovice Cistercian Monastery from 1261 it is supposed that Strání did not exist that time, otherwise it would have been mentioned in the Deed.
Nevertheless, a record found in the history of today´s Uherský Ostroh and made 57 years later appears to be interesting. At the that time, John of Luxembourg pledged Stenice (later renamed to Uherský Ostroh) to Chotěbor from Strání, as the king needed money when Matthew Csák invaded the country. The reign of this Bohemian King was marked by his participation in different wars across Europe, which means that he desperately needed a lot of money for paying his army.
Another written note about Strání is a record made in the Olomouc Public Records (Tabulae terrae). Strání with a fortress was in 1353 a possession of thanes from Strání, brothers Pavel (Paul) and Ctibor (this name means honour and fight, warrior). The property of these thanes encompassed one third of Horní Němčí, Korytná, and a part of Volenov. The owners lived in the fortress which towered over the river Klanečnice, at the place of today´s cemetery. In 1359 the brothers sold, according to the aforementioned Public Records, the whole dominion, including the fortress, farm yard, woods and a parish house the existence of which can be derived from the note talking about the right of patronage (Jus patronatus), i.e. the right to appoint a priest, granted to Franek of Kunovice. It is important to stress that Strání was described as a little town at that time.
In 1492 the village included forty homesteads out of which two were flour mills. The mills were probably built in today´s Květná due to the downslope of mountain streams and a suitable lower location. Lordship had, apart from tributes paid by peasants, an income from the sawmill belonging to the flour mill, but also from large woods where beech wood was logged and many animals and birds were hunted whilst the owners could enjoy also fish from clean mountain streams. A further profit flowed from tolls collected in Straní at the trade route to Hungary. The first written notes about the toll come from 1483.
In 1502 Strání, but also Lhota, Louka, Boršice, Slavkov, Suchá Loz, and a part of Horní Němčí passed to Jan Bernard of Kunovice. Since then Strání, still described as a little town, was a part of the Ostroh dominion. In May 1605 Strání was plundered by Stephen Bocskai troops and dropped to the village again. The Bernards of Kunovice were the owners of Strání until the Battle of White Mountain. Because of their participation in the revolt against the Hapsburg emperor, they escaped and the Ostroh dominion was sold in 1625 for 600, 000 guilders to the Duke of Lichtenstein. In 1856 Strání was labelled as a village but in 1885 it was again called a little town. The members of the House of Lichtenstein remained the owners of the Ostroh dominion until 1945.
Obec Strání: | Obecní úřad Strání |
Adresa: | Na Kopci 321, 687 65 Strání |
IČ: | 00 29 13 40 |
DIČ: | CZ 00 29 13 40 |
ID: | 32aba8z |
Ústředna: | (+420) 572 695 210 |
E-mail: | obec@strani.cz |
Web: | www.strani.cz |
Náměstí U Zámečku 71, 687 65 Strání | |
Mgr. Andrea Straussová | |
Mobil: | 777 364 511 |
Tel.: | 572 632 353 |
E-mail: | info@zamecek-strani.cz |
Web: | www.zamecek-strani.cz |
Infocentrum Strání (Mikroregion Bílé Karpaty) | |
Barbora Macková | |
Areál ZŠ – půdní vestavba | |
Rubanice 877, 687 65 Strání | |
Tel./fax: | 572 695 240 |
E-mail: | mic@strani.cz |
Web: | www.strani.cz |